Sunday, October 19, 2014

Alex Jones Show: Sunday (10-19-14) Robert David Steele

Incompetence and apathy combine in the Obama administration's Ebola response, and Alex breaks it all down on this Sunday, October 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Infowars is calling for a general strike across the U.S. in response to the Obama administration’s tepid response to Ebola. For one thing, Obama golfed for nearly five hours on Saturday before having a meeting to discuss the Ebola pandemic in America, which wasn't even attended by his new "Ebola Czar," Ron Klain, who's a Democratic operative with no medical experience. Klain was simply appointed to funnel million dollar deals to select insiders "aiding" in the Ebola response. Former CIA insider Robert David Steele joins the show to reveal the true extent of the Obama administration's incompetence, including the decision to send U.S. troops to Ebola-struck West Africa instead of deploying hospital ships off the African coast.

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