Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Max Igan - Global Freedom Movement Interview - October 5th 2014

It is time to disinfect the people of the lies being perpetuated against them in their name with the truth, by exposing the systems of control used against them, to NOT i repeat NOT create opposition, disputes or to rebel against them, but to simply withdraw ones consent to be governed by a corporation masquerading as a government and walk away from it, by creating real networks of, family, friends, community and social networks around you that will look after each other and take responsibility for themselves, showing the corporation that we are not just surety on a debt obligated legal fiction, we are not energy potential to be merely categorized as a "Human Resource" to be used up and then spat out, only to be replaced by our children and grandchildren, that we are not things (chattle property) whose creativity, imagination and potential ability to produce is to be utlilized by nameless, faceless and blameless offshore oligarchies for the benefit of another corporations shareholders, that we are no longer going to be a capitalized source of revenue for a corporation registered with the SEC and trading on open international markets for profit at our expense.

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