Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Albert Clayton Gaulden - You're Not Who You Think You Are

S y n o p s i s

At a time when so many are looking for spiritual renewal in a world plagued with worry, doubt and uncertainty, Gaulden guides you, with text and exercises, to a place where you are able to take responsibility for yourself and face the false idols that block entry to the authentic self; to understand that the answers to your problems are where the questions are - within you. Lasting changes come from a searching and fearless moral inventory. Gaulden breaks open the unsolved spiritual mysteries and lets you experience the freedom of self awareness. Learn to love you so you can love someone else.

Albert seeks to convey the full scope of how to look at those defects that cover-up our real selves; he has strategies that are reachable and effective in letting go of who we are not and becoming at long last authentic. In his humorous and, yes, confrontational way, he has clearly laid out the challenge facing all of us. We can talk about a coming spiritual renaissance to any degree we want, but it cannot happen until enough of us grasp that spiritual growth has a mental health component. We all have to step back and really look at the parts of our personalities that hold us back, because only then can we become who we really are - and truly move forward into a consciousness and mission that can change the world.

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