Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Putin, US Promotes Terrorism

The Russian president says the United States is promoting terrorism by financing militant groups and sowing the seeds of division among nations.
Vladimir Putin added that the US and its allies are still providing direct funding and weapons to the anti-government Takfiri militants operating in Syria. The Russian president noted that this is one reason why the ISIL Takfiri group has turned into a de facto army. He said that because of US support, ISIL has become powerful, justifying Washington’s unilateralism. Putin also advised those supporting terrorism to reflect on what they are doing, adding that one day the terrorists will turn on them and bring death and destruction to their countries.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the US of trying to impose its will on other countries.

Putin said Washington’s policy has destabilized the world. The Russian president also criticized US interference in other countries as arbitrary. Instead, he urged talks on internationally acceptable conditions for any use of force. Putin also condemned Western sanctions against Moscow over the crisis in Ukraine. He however said the sanctions will not force his country to beg as Russia is strong. Putin added that Russia did not initiate the ongoing tensions between Moscow and the West. He said the quote-so-called winners of the cold war want to redraw the entire world exclusively for themselves. Tensions between Russia and the West have hit levels unprecedented since the cold war era, which came to an end in the early 1990s.

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