Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rafapal: Iraqi Dinar reset; Fed Dollar out, US Treasury Dollar & BRICS in; Collateral Gold coming

Rafapal: Global reset & Iraqi Dinar revaluation starting; End of Fed Dollar & return to U.S. Treasury dollar, BRICS currency; Wanta Gold (collateral accounts) coming . In this ExopoliticsTV interview from Madrid with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Spanish journalist and author Rafael Palacios (“Rafapal”) reveals startling developments pointing to the start of the global currency reset, imminent revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar, and with it the linked end to the Federal Reserve-backed U.S. dollar and return to the U.S. Treasury Dollar and the emergence of the new BRICS currency as well as the ultimate emergence of the Collateral Accounts Gold, held in trust for the benefit of humanity and a new era of prosperity for humanity.

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