Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Self-Contained Home | Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms

Self-Sufficiency expert Joel Salatin - author, speaker and full-time farmer in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, enlightens us on the Self Contained Home - what steps each family can take to provide their own water, food and energy while enjoying time together.

Salatin is a revolutionary for common-sense in a world gone mad. His vortex of wisdom is rooted in multi-generations of learning from his family's thriving farm which services more than 5,000 families, 10 retail outlets, and 50 restaurants through on-farm sales and metropolitan buying clubs. He is the author of 9 books and speaks nationally on wide-ranging topics to large audiences on choosing a path to sustainable, profitable, ecologically sound living.

In Episode 1:

1. Water
a. What is human’s best relationship with raindrops? – Holding raindrop near where they fall.
b. Cisterns to reduce water costs and dependency
c. Water redundancy

2. Food & Energy
a. Solariums for passive solar heating and year-round food production
b. Redirecting petroleum usage from shipping food to essential uses.
c. Yards: Edible landscaping
d. Overcoming HOA restrictions on gardening i. Incognito aquaponics for leafy greens and fish ii. Indoor chickens & Vermicomposting iii. Container gardens, vertical pagodas and stacked pots
e. Larders i. Huge pantries for Food Storage ii. Security through known, high-integrity whole foods iii. Preservation methods iv. Earn income from abundant production you can sell & trade

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