Saturday, August 16, 2014

Stock Market CRASH, Bank Run, and Hyperinflation Coming!

Mark Carney confirms contingency plans after Scottish bank run warning
The Bank of England Governor says uncertainty over a separate Scotland's currency could cause financial instability following warnings people would move their savings south of the Border.
Soros Fund Management increased a bear-call bet on the S&P 500
Paulson holds onto gold ETF, Soros adds gold miners in Q1
U.S. Investment Outflow Hits Record as China Cuts Holdings
The 15 US Cities Where Poverty Is Soaring Fastest

Our society is controlled by normalcy bias, believing it simply can't happen to them. However, there are countless economic indicators showing that a COLLAPSE is already underway. It's pervasive in all countries around the world, with varying degrees.

Systemic and uncontrollable catastrophe is heading to your doorstep.

Ask yourself the question: Am I TRUTHFULLY prepared for the worst?

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