Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mass Poverty -- Mega Corporations vs. The Middle Class

Mass Poverty vs. Super Elite! Income Gap Widens, Destroying Middle Class! Our political system is designed specifically to benefit the elite, leaving the average citizens to suffer. All of the alumni of mega-corporations in every single sector take the highest positions of power in government. Lobbying (a.k.a legal bribery), no-bid contracts, and schemes such as bailouts exacerbate the growing power of the super wealthy. The average citizen will, as always, be forced to pay higher taxes, while simultaneously receiving less. This is the New World. 

Record US wealth gap fuelled by disparities in housing recovery Canada's wage gap at record high: OECD Buffett, champion of bailout, is also leading beneficiary Income Inequality Soars With Five UK Families Wealthier Than Bottom 20% Right now, companies are so focused on cutting wages — by paying their employees as little as possible and replacing them with technology whenever possible — that wages as a percent of the economy are now near an all-time low (see chart below). And this weakness in wages is the big reason demand in the economy is so weak.

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