Thursday, August 14, 2014

Canada's Economic and Real Estate Collapse Has Begun!

In Canada we have maximum denial unlike in the U.S. where many Americans are coming to the conclusion that the system is failing. The housing bubble is extremely overheated and is undeniably about to burst. I made that prediction in my book because it was so obvious to me that when something becomes unaffordable for the middle class, it will slow down.

The bubbles on Canada will burst and the general public will suffer under mass foreclosure.

 S&P downgrades rating for 6 Canadian banks
Moody’s cuts outlook for Canadian bank debt to negative over ‘bail-in’ regime
Bank of Canada cuts forecast amid ‘serial disappointment’ with economy’s recovery
“Right now, we do not have a sustainable growth picture in Canada,”
Canadian housing to start showing signs of easing over next two years, says CMHC
“Valuations are incredibly stretched,” Hodgins said. “The banks aren’t just exposed because of their mortgage businesses, but also due to stretched consumer leverage.


  1. Shut up you fool, you have no idea about Canada.

    1. He lives there you fool and he is also Canadian ....

    2. He is piece of shit, doom and gloom fool.
      They have been saying same BS for the last 15 years.
