Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hyperinflation CRISIS Caused by Fed Will Destroy U.S. Dollar!

Inflation destroy savings and it also destroys a currency. Every country around the world is currently inflating their currency in order to make their exports cheaper as well as erode a portion of their debt. This race to the bottom must eventually come to an end. If we use history as a guide, we find that a currency can go from reliable to worthless in about 1 year. Watch the warning signs and comprehend the severity of them.

Apple Soars to Record Amid Optimism About Coming Products Average Price of Ground Beef Hits All-Time High Price Index for Steak Hits All-Time High The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has more than quadrupled to $4.4 trillion since the beginning of the economic crisis due to its large “quantity” of securities purchases (ergo “quantitative easing”). US Inflation in January 2014 Ticks Up, Annual Inflation Rate at 1.6% Venezuela's 12-month inflation tops 62 pct in June

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