Wednesday, August 20, 2014


 James Corbett, investigative journalist, writer, filmmaker, prolific truth teller.

Factors which have greatly influenced my thinking about what's going on in America today:
1. The realization that the official 9/11 report is unbelievable because at a minimum there is no adequate explanation for the way 3 steel skyscrapers could collapse at free-fall speed due to the impact of just 2 jets.  At least Building 7 must have been pre-wired for demolition way ahead of time & if that's true, what about the rest of the official story!?
2. Griffin's book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" about the creation of the corrupt Federal Reserve & how the Western Central Banksters have been directing history, stealing our wealth & spreading war for profit for many years.
3. Ron Paul's decades long warnings about what's wrong with the USA.  He's been consistently proven to be correct whereas almost all of his opponents have been proven wrong on issue after issue as time passes by.

Sadly, it looks like the Federal Reserve (& the rest of the Anglo-American Central Banking Cartel) has been the key player in the transformation of the USA into the United States of Enslavement.  9/11 is just one of the latest excuses for the enslavement of the average American. They intend to enslave (or kill off) the rest of the world.

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