Monday, August 11, 2014

Here's to the Warmongers | Criminals, Liars and Psychopaths

In the style of the infamous Apple "Here's to the Crazy One's" advertisements, we pay special tribute to the warmongers, criminals and liars who have exploited and destroyed the world, enslaving humanity for their own personal gain.

Featuring: George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Howard Dean, Bill O'Reilly, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, John F. Kennedy, Mitt Romney, Ronald Regan, Richard Nixon, Vladimir Putin and more!

Here’s to the warmongers. The criminals. The liars. The psychopaths. The wolves in sheep’s clothing. The ones who have no integrity. They’re not fond of responsibility. And they have no respect for your rights.

You can vote for them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing that you can’t do, is ignore them. Because they have the guys with the guns…and they can have you thrown in a cage.

While some may see them as responsible leaders, we see evil. Because the ones who are insane enough to think that they can rule the world, are always the ones who do.


  1. On this planet earth the nation that is desperately in need of a embargo is Washington, the USA of America this land as is not really a nation does not have a head does not know what foreign policies is neither has a diplomatic corps is in fact rule by a doctrine of war, a barbaric democracy, that generates viciousness on a planetary scale. The presidency calls (the fight between good and evil) his American exceptionalism and value of technology, not knowing what even what technology is. On this insane quest of the good against the evil, it pushes materialism and disguises it with the meaning and purpose of life existence, human nature. It displaces feelings between humans and mixes them with technologies. The presidency has an excellent rhetoric very good eloquence however, wisdom knowledge understating vision, foresight, what is real, tangible, and important for the living organism, sensibility, perception of reality, these are thing he desperately lacks he behaves as if we were in 1492 and they the American exceptionalism the new pilgrims must slaughter half of the planet for the common good of technology and the brave new world of where the good has won and the evil has being vanquish. Inverting the human psyche imposing materialism as spirituality and tagging spiritual intuition as evil; the American presidency and congress knows precisely the ills of the world and he is here to corrected tem, they claim; unfortunately being totally blind with a barbaric democracy and completely illogical, the consequence’s that these barbarism creates for himself and the world are catastrophic not only for his Washington government and congress also his citizens, allies and friends the citizens of the planet are on a frenzy of incoherence. Is time that this planet finds a solution, and unites against this incoherent barbaric democracy promoted by Washington? Otherwise sadly these barbaric policies Washington imposes on the planet will unravel a tremendous chaos that will probably eliminate 80% of the world’s living organisms, materially spiritually and psychologically?

  2. La France l’Europe est le dénouement mondiale pour une amélioration liante Le collective sensé et l’être.
    Subtile souverain la France est dans la position décrit par le temps et l’histoire, pour libérer le point précis pour conduire une paix et une future prospérité en Europe, une Europe unie est prospère judicieusement. Son histoire l’amené avec habilite vers ce point précis. Ce cette même histoire qui ce présente a la France cette opportunité pour retrouver son statut diplomatique, pour représenter l’Europe comme voix unie.
    La voix de la raison donne à la compétent France ça raison d’être, le moment où elle démontré la différence, le repère du justes est du incorrect, par le discernement raisonnable de la vérité la quelle dévoila la différence de la noblesse de sa diplomatie auprès la barbarie.
    La première conférence de La Haye (également appelée Conférence internationale de la Paix) est une conférence internationale organisée à La Haye en 1899 à l’initiative du tsar Nicolas II de Russie.
    Ouverte le 18 mai, cette conférence a fait considérablement avancer la cause du droit international humanitaire. Les promoteurs de la Conférence ont mis l’accent sur le désarmement et la prévention de la guerre, créant à cette occasion la Cour permanente d'arbitrage de La Haye.

  3. The ones who are insane enough to think they can rule the world are always the ones who do!
