Monday, August 11, 2014

Adrian Salbuchi -- FALSE FLAGS: Past, Present and Future

Adrian Salbuchi and Enrique Romero of the Second Republic Project (Argentina) do a special English language edition of the International News section of "Segunda República" (Second Republic) on Channel TLV1 from Buenos Aires Argentina. They address False Flag attacks, past, present and future:
(01:35) Pres. Obama: a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan???
(02:55) The Nature of False Flag Attacks
(03:45) Historical Perspectives
(07:01) Tell-tale signs BEFORE False Flag attacks take place...
(10:00) Will a Mega-False Flag event be used to trigger World War?
(10:54) Case Study I: 7th July 2005 London Transport attack... (Psy-War)
(23:11) Case Study II: False Flag Attacks in Argentina: Israeli Embassy (1992) and AMIA-DAIA (1994)
(25:49) The "strange case" of the assassination of Israel PM Yzahk Rabin in 1995...
(27:13) Conclusions. 4th August marks 100th Anniversary of the start of World War I.
(32:00) The time has come for all peoples to take our countries back!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds more the united apes of america, and the insane elites! why would any elites would ignite a nuclear war, war begun one way however is unpredictable how they will end. and the best way to win a war is not to have one. an elite is the intellect. an elite can only be put aside but by a wiser and more clever elite. the elites that run the world now are creating more damage than good. logically the problem are the elites, therefore replacing them with new elites is the answer to the problem. END AND MEANS, the end of this affairs is a newer elites on power, however they have to be above the current ones. the criterion to chosen them is what will allow the people to recognize the new elites so they can improve the current realm. the elites will probably have to be sphere-al, global knowledge to understand the infinite small and and the infinity large. and the people will have to truth them. How, is by winning back the corrupt elites. as it is the people and a government body that can make things evolve, therefore it is this blind elites or some of them that need to be waken up from the hypnotism of corruption and them the people will support them for the proper changes and rearrangement for a future realm. round or square pyramids do not fit the times.
