Friday, July 25, 2014

WW3 Update : Turkey wants Israel tried for war crimes at the Hague

Turkish Prime Minister and AK Party presidential candidate Recep Tayyip Erdoğan yesterday said in an interview on CNN that Israel is a "terror state" and its operations in Gaza are creating a "wave of terror."

1 comment:

  1. NEVER WASTE A GOOD CRISIS... however this inverted reality where HITLER in reality is president Obama and his 1941-2014 barbarossa plot; invasion of russia, as well do not forget the royals they wanted HITLER to invade russia, britain "the windsors" so is you the people if you love HITLER the new HITLER president barack OBAMA on this upside-down world follow him. from 2001 to 2014 this HITLER regime of washington is putting your world in flames. look at the middle east and europe. reason why the fake queen loves war is because of the ORANGE dynasty, 1600. HOLLAND. so folks you got the plot that is being manufacture to destroy you the lot of you. is open to your eyes from, the IRAQI lie, to the lies of syrian chemical weapons, to VICTORIA NULAND to the UKRAINIAN plane and the GAZA war that is use to promote the holocaust in europe and engendre a civil war in europe, manipulate the citizens so they destroy and hate each others; a european color revolution made by washington new HITLER version 2014, to destroy europe, britain's aim is to destroy the EURO so the £ and the city will rule over europe, however before the exit cameroon wants to destroy the continent, reason why prince charles called Putin a HITLER to create a rift between europe and russia the aim is war, not in britain but in europe between russia and europe, the main target is France and Germany; to destroy its language and culture to have the city of LONDON as center of finance and displace frankfurt. so simple just open your eyes facts are clear. from 2001-2014 wars that have expand and today have reach europe. even (1914-2014) is a day to remember. however all this can be upturn and rather than the american HITLER destroying the planet the upsidedown reality upturned gives the opposite result, total peace in europe and the middle east as well jobs in europe and america, no more hate but peace and prosperity. "you chose folks, citizens resident humans) is easy to execute is a childs play. "in one hour all is done. "
    the GAZA WAR ENDS IN peace and a new realm for both israel and palestine..!
    jobs,life,pleasure,sex,easy existence,good paying jobs hollydays smiles happy families no more police state or surveillance end of patriotic act end of the millions of poor fellows , bright people evolve culture happiness breath and eating proper food health etc. "just one hour and and is done" NEVER WASTE A GOOD CRISIS..!
