Friday, July 25, 2014

The Economic Collapse Death Spiral Has Begun

Bank Espirito Santo third holding company just filed for bankruptcy, the collapse is coming. Greece tops Euro zone poverty rate. US manufacturing declines and housing implodes sending the economy into a death spiral. Europe places new sanctions on Russia but not all countries are sure they want to do it. Austria is proposing bail-ins. 90% of illegals are not showing up to the court hearings. Water cannons have been delivered to the UK in preparation for civil unrest. Blacklisting passengers and placing people on no fly lists does not require proof. The central bankers/US government have no proof of the downing of the Malaysian flight but they are not stopping in implicating Russia. Norway is on high alert, an unknown group from Syria is preparing a terrorist attack. Be prepared for a false flag event.

1 comment:

  1. If my neighbor kept shooting at my some point I may be tempted to react with a 10 to 1 power ratio to convince then to stop their crazy actions. Trying to destroy my neighbors ability to attack makes sense to me !

    Even though it is sad that Hamas stands behind women & can not blame Israel for killing people who do not get out of the way...especially when they are warned to leave and stay safe.
