Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Anti White Apartheid in South Africa -- Attie Schutte

Radio 3Fourteen - Attie Schutte - Post-Apartheid South Africa & Afrikaner Self Determination

Attie Schutte is an Afrikaner blogger and political activist who lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa. His interest varies from self-sufficient localism and Ethno-Nationalism to Austrian economics and the various schools of Anarchism. He's a member of the Orania Movement. We'll discuss never spoken of events in South Africa that concern colonialism, Apartheid and post-Apartheid life. Attie also shares some history of early Europeans in South Africa. What is life like in South Africa's "rainbow nation" How is the White minority treated in South Africa Attie tells about violence against White South Africans and why the media doesn't report it. We'll discuss healthy segregation verses government intervention and how government is always a force behind genocide. Attie speaks against government policy involving discrimination and race based conflicts. Government always creates more problems. We'll talk about one Afrikaner self determined community called Orania that refuses to be part of South Africa's "rainbow nation" and how they're labeled racists for propagating Afrikaner culture in solitude. Orania is the only hope of survival for the Afrikaners wanting their own government, in their own territory. We talk about the healthy aspect of separate homelands for every ethnic group and how it can bring the most amount of peace. Later, we discuss the current colonization of Europe, the failure of democracy and the idea of Free Market Nationalism.

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