Saturday, July 5, 2014


Build up to WW3 - OBAMA is WORRIED about NEW YORK CITY Getting NUKED

During a press conference in the Netherlands today, Obama said he is more worried about Manhattan getting nuked than any supposed threat posed by Russia.

The president made the remark after a reporter asked him if former challenger Mitt Romney was correct in his assertion that Russia is once again the primary foe of the United States following Crimeans voting to rejoin Russia.

"Russia's actions are a problem. They don't pose the No. 1 national security threat to the United States. I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan," Obama said.

Obama did not elaborate on the threat.

The previous December South Korea, for obvious reasons, said North Korea had developed the technology capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to the West Coast of the United States. Experts, however, said at the time the hereditary communist state is years away from miniaturizing a nuclear weapon and mounting it on a ballistic missile.

California is approximately 3,000 miles from Manhattan. In order to nuke New York, the North Koreans would require a missile capable of traveling around 9,000 miles.

The next suspect on the Axis of Evil list the government has claimed for over a decade wants to do us harm is Iran. It currently does not have a nuclear bomb and, in fact, has not enriched uranium to the level required for a bomb, and also does not possess a missile capable of striking the United States. In January, Secretary of State John Kerry insisted Iran has pledged to stop stockpiling uranium.

After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the government and various commentators told us on numerous occasions al-Qaeda has planted nukes around the United States and will "kill millions, destroy the economy and fundamentally alter the course of history."

In 2010, Obama said al-Qaeda is trying to get nukes and would have "no compunction in using them." He added if "there was ever a detonation in New York City, or London, or Johannesburg, the ramifications economically, politically and from a security perspective would be devastating."

U.S. intelligence officials, however, say the al-Qaeda nuclear threat is, at best, a remote possibility. "Developing a nuclear device involves a highly sophisticated technical process, and al-Qaeda doesn't seem to have mastered it based on what we know now."

Obama apparently does not consider Russia a threat, although it currently has around 45,000 nuclear weapons and a sophisticated ballistic missile system.
Russia, according to Obama, is a "regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors, mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 was an "act of piracy", that the plane's communication system "was disabled before it disappeared", and that "it is conclusive" that the commercial jetliner was hijacked. Who is responsible for this brazen hijack and what kind of terror-related event this plane will be used for has remained a mystery—until now.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Dmitry Rogozin threatened to use nuclear weapons if Moscow was attacked. He made the remark following discussions about missile defense systems installed in Eastern Europe by the United States.

"One can experiment as long as one wishes by deploying non-nuclear warheads on strategic missile carriers," Rogozin said. "But one should keep in mind that if there is an attack against us, we will certainly resort to using nuclear weapons in certain situations to defend our territory and state interests." syria ukraine crisis georgia gorgia soviet union Based on breaking news and events, it appears that Flight MH 370 was hijacked by the country of Iran for use in a 9/11-style nuclear strike on America—most likely New York City. Since international intelligence agencies were unable to execute the Iranian nuclear terror strike on New York City during Super Bowl XLVIII, they hijacked the Boeing 777 specifically in order to fly an Iranian nuclear bomb into one of the four following New York City skyscrapers.

1 comment:

  1. who is WE ? russia is not isolated, how, only way is if gas and petrol turn into sand. right or wrong, what makes you think you know washington ?. ukraine is joe biden's game. and is a us genocide recurrence. remember 1492 genocide, is the same today 1492-2014 tactics of genocide hitler acted no different than british invaders of america in 1492, israel does the same as the king of belgium in the 19 century. what the press says, and what happens on the ground are two different things. what happens on the ground is reality. however what happens on the mind is only subjective reality. it can be irrelevant to facts and concrete matter. you OBAMA president believe in principles however those principles might not exist at all.. the reality now america is a nation build on genocide, as that was the plan 1492 to get the land that you today consider yours. israel and hitler had the same plan israel palestine, hitler poland. from 1492 to today nothing much has change. as ukraine shows. ukraine is in europe however for america is the same as 1492, kill natives and replace them with our fellows. it does not work, europe had many wars and is nowhere now, america is gone and will collapse. so all this genocide from 1492 up to now is blending into a final show. so be prepare. is not nukes is something a lot worse. insanity, madness and global suicide.
