Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Sunday July 20 2014: News & Calls

On this Sunday, July 20 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the break down of the bankrupt Bretton Woods system, the ascendency of a newly minted BRICS banking system and the dangers of World War III in the age of crisis. He breaks down the what is happening in Ukraine as the U.S. and the EU blame Russia for the deadly crash of a Malaysian airliner last week. Alex also takes a look a the slow motion unraveling of the economy as the global elite continue to dismantle the middle class and set the stage for bankster consolidation as the border splits wide open. He also updates the latest on Gaza.


  1. Alex take that microphone and shove it up your ass.
    You are just lunatic and nobody is listening you.

  2. PLATON: and Charlemagne.
    By logic, reason, and concrete facts & geography Russia is part of Europe, as Europe is part of Russia; this is a fact. And Europeans are unable to change this fact neither any organization such as NATO. Which eventually has no future? The only way that Europe becomes one is when it unites with Russia. When that takes place Europe will once again become what it is the creator of western civilization. There is no other alternative for Russia but also for Europe. Americans will have to return home to their families and if Britain the special relationship complains, unfortunately Britain is part of Europe however Scotland and Ireland are welcome to a European economical domain. Britain is part of Europe whether they like it or not. John Kerry and president Obama should take care of Israel and Palestine is their own doing and it is not a European concern. In fact all American troops should return to America, to their families as RON PAUL and many others suggested is more human. Europe existed long before 1492, and has deal with wars, economies religions empires and kings, Europe does has the capacity to handle his own problems on its own reasoning and logic in its own time, and this is the logic and reason why Europe does not need Washington’s advice on European affairs.

  3. ANNONYMOUS, My guess is that you have an I.Q. below 50, i.e., MORON
