Sunday, July 20, 2014

MH17 False Flag Revealed : Intercepted Conversations Between Rebels About Hiding Black Boxes Seems Too Convenient

MH17 UPDATE: Intercepted Conversations Between Rebels About Hiding Black Boxes Seems Too Convenient

Is it just me or does this just seem to far fetched? we are supposed to believe this conversation took place in which the rebels conveniently talk about hiding the black boxes from the downed flight on behalf of the "people in Moscow"?

Well before you make your mind up, cast your minds back to the leaked Britam "false flag" emails.

n January this year, the web site of UK-based 'offense defense contractor', Britam Defense, were hacked by someone that 'authorities' claim (unsurprisingly) may have been of the Iranian persuasion (Iranians do everything bad these days don't ya know!). Part of the trove of documents that were uploaded to various websites included two emails.

One email had "Syrian Issue" in the subject field and the other has "Iranian Issue" in the subject field. Both emails appeared to be from David Goulding, the actual business development manager of Britam Defence, and appeared to have been sent to Phillip Doughty, the actual founder of Britam. Many alternative news web sites have used these emails as evidence that the recent alleged 'chemical weapon' attack in Syria was the work of the Western-backed Syrian rebels rather than the Syrian military

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