Friday, July 4, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Friday July 4 2014: David Icke (REPLAY)

-Today -
On the special 4th of July transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex explores what freedom is versus tyranny, and catalogs various ways America has devolved into a police state pointed toward the American people. And while jackboots and corrupt politicians fleece innocent Americans, the southern border is wide open, demonstrably illustrating how the so-called war on terror is a complete farce. Alex also looks at where America should be, and examines different ways to overcome the executive branch's abuses of power in order to realign the nation's moral compass. On today's broadcast, we'll also air last month's powerful interview with English writer, public speaker and former media personality David Icke, who discusses the topic of a deceived society, and the need for average people to get involved in order to break free from the control of the globalists.

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