Friday, July 4, 2014

Europe is Collapsing , America Next

EU Debt Causing MASSIVE CRASH Then Spread to U.S!

 Europe has fallen to the TYRANNY of an elite group of technocrats. They no longer have decisions made by elected public servants. Instead they are simply VICTIMS of a grand experiment. Europe will undoubltably be the model for the remainder of the world. A unified corporate system on top of the government structure.

When the European dominoes fall, they will fall hard towards America.

Europe's economy: Still in the danger zone
The latest economic growth figures from the European Union
If Greece defaults, it could set off a contagion that would raise rates for the other nations, causing more defaults and a possible exit from the euro."
European nations are falling victim to the virus of debt contagion.
Italy Economy Shrank 0.1% in First Quarter
IMF warns of negative spiral in France as recession looms again
Portugal's economy: Two steps forward, one step back
OECD: Greek GDP at -0.3% in '14; Additional debt relief is necessary

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