Thursday, July 10, 2014

Obama: It's OK to Kill American Citizens With a Drone!

Obama: Here's When it's OK to Kill An American Citizen, With a Drone!
So, to summarize; Barack Obama has the legal power to kill terrorists anywhere, at any time. Barack Obama has the legal power to decide who is a terrorist. What could possibly go wrong?

Put this in context with the other news of american police becoming militarised; you get a good picture of the near future; where drones are used openly to spy and kill any citizen who may or may not be a 'baddy'...where that defintion of baddy keeps change with seasons. And the National Defense Authorization Act and the Patriot Act and... ...I have noticed an increasing use of the phrase Post-Constitutional Republic. As Americans , We are not in control of our own government at any level. The Feds are just as corrupt and dangerous as the states and the local governments. The usual supporters you might hear of government operations are, surprise, government employees who need their government-welfare "paycheck"... and who desire to keep their lifestyle so they support anything that keeps them in that paycheck.

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