Thursday, July 10, 2014

Build up to WW3 - CHINA Starts WAR GAMES & Military Exercise Drills

China's participation in the Rim of the Pacific exercises is seen as an opportunity to build mutual trust amid tensions at sea with neighbors ranging from Vietnam and the Philippines to the south, to Japan in the east. hawaii

Washington and Beijing closer military ties following an incident last December when a U.S. Navy cruiser, the USS Cowpens, nearly collided with a ship accompanying China's sole aircraft carrier in the South China Sea

Twenty-three countries drills, including Canada, India, Japan and South Korea. The exercises begin June 26 and last through Aug. 1
A Defense Ministry destroyer Haikou, missile frigate Yueyang, the oiler Yueyang, and hospital ship Peace Ark departed Monday. squadron is carrying 1,100 officers and sailors, a commando unit and diving team, helicopters.

The statement quoted navy Deputy Chief of Staff Hong Xumeng as saying China's participation in the drills constituted "an important mission of military diplomacy" and a further step in strengthening China-U.S. relations.

America's "WWIII, the Global Warming War" was launched by the Bush Pentagon in 2004 with this warning: . be the mother of all national security issues ... hit home sooner and harder than we ever imagined," reported Fortune, causing "massive droughts, turning farmland into dust bowls and forests to ashes." Accelerating population unrest, so that by "2020 there is little doubt that something drastic is happening ... an old pattern could emerge, warfare defining human life,"

In the past decade America spent over $7 trillion on the Pentagon's budget. We've had time for a new General Eisenhower to emerge, plan and launch a WWIII "D-Day" attack on the "Climate Change" battlefield. Instead, we're losing WWIII, in retreat, sabotaged by Big Oil, GOP political drama, and a powerful army of climate-science deniers ... as 2020 and the "mother of all national security issues" relentlessly targets our defenses.

launched a counterattack, rearming America with new EPA regulations targeting large carbon emitters, coal-burning power plants. But these regs are the global warming equivalent of video games fighting against combat-ready warriors, military strategies, weapons, B-2 bombers, nuclear armed drones and silo-launched missiles. We're still virtually defenseless against an enemy with a war chest of billions, millions of employees and science deniers, plus the backing of shareholders, politicians, lobbyists, bankers and auto owners.

f all the incoming bogies that trigger global warming — auto pollution, fracking, methane, hot oceans, overfishing, deforestation, glaciers melting. But unfortunately, the new EPA regs aim too low, targeting aging power generators and coal-burning power plants with outdated technology, 4% of the industry's CO2 emissions. Worse, the full impact of the new regs won't kick in till 2030 pentagon WWIII? Where's the "D-Day" urgency? A decade after the Pentagon's warning that by 2020 "warfare will define human life," our leaders still lack moral conscience keeps drifting deep into pure materialism, short-term economic growth and jobs, survival of the planet and our civilization. Worse, we're ignoring the growing threat as the world's population explodes from 7 billion today to 10 billion by 2050, further accelerating unrest among all nations.
WWIII Phase 2: new EPA regs vs. Big Oil, GOP, science deniers world's largest maritime exercises.

China's maritime periphery have heightened the need for better communication and closer coordination with other countries' navies. Chinese patrol boats are currently involved in standoffs over clashing territorial claims with its neighbors in the South China Sea, along with Japan over disputed uninhabited islands north of Taiwan.

U.S., China and two dozen Asia-Pacific nations adopted an agreement to improve communication at sea to reduce the possibility of misunderstandings that could lead to conflict in the heavily trafficked sea lanes surrounding China, Japan and Southeast Asia.

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