Friday, July 4, 2014

'NSA owns entire network anywhere in the world' - whistleblower William Binney

NSA global reach is omnipresent. The US intelligence controls the entire cyber network across the globe, violating individual piracy by storing endless data on its increasingly enlarged servers, former NSA crypto-mathematician, William Binney, told RT.


  1. servers: storage: data: the sun. how much date is on the sun..! however it indicates the method of storage. memory. DNA. a server resembles a storage point, on genome, the information in relation just to the element of mind. the analogy between the servers and DNA is evident.
    investigation others does not determine that the nature of who you are is visible, tangible. is just a point of view.
    servers they do serve their purpose. however to decrypt the information, a state of mind opposite to wars is required. a stop of time, as time must stop, to perceive the moment, here is where wars hinder the process. this global wars looks are getting out of control, NSA will be useless it already is, privacy and this chaos that spreads constantly does not seem advantageous to the mind, neither the body.
    reason why the stop of all wars can be just the time. and them think, sense, perceive. enjoy the the.

  2. simply thee, T, the collapse of the software market. how about in fact software has no value. reason the donate button, for all software like microsoft or any other of this software giants. privacy is on a server. software is only open source it cannot be any other way, the donate button, is the way. security however is required. and manufacturing jobs return.
    simply manufacture.
