Friday, July 4, 2014

Joseph Atwill -- Shakespeare's Secret Messiah & Vengeance on Europe

Red Ice Radio - Joseph Atwill - Hour 1 - Shakespeare's Secret Messiah & Vengeance on Europe

Joseph Atwill is an independent scholar who has set the world of New Testament scholarship in a new direction. In his book Caesar's Messiah, Atwill outlines the series of events in Jesus' ministry that are parallels with the events of the battle campaign of Titus Flavius. He returns to discuss his latest work, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah. Continuing his exposé on the New Testament, Atwill demonstrates that the thrust behind the famous playwright's work was to wreak literary revenge against Titus, Rome and Christians. Joseph explains how the plays are a reversing of the typology of the gospels, from a Jewish perspective. The Bard's hidden war on the Roman Catholic Church, encoded in 'puzzle passages' in the plays, is the key that finally unlocks the true identity of 'Shakespeare,' explaining why the real author chose to hide behind a pseudonym. In the second hour, we'll discuss how religion was used as part of the futile system. We also talk about A Course in Miracles, the 60's hippie movement and entertainment as mind control ops that are part of today's slave system. Then, we'll continue on neo-feudalist techniques going on today. Later, we talk about deliberate actions aimed at destroying the west and the current vengeance on the European people.

1 comment:

  1. All these so called scholars, Jacob had 12 sons after he wrestled with God Genesis chapter 32 Father changed his name to Israel. These sons or tribes of Israel hebrew children spending 400 years in Egypt til our Father had Moses n Aaron lead them out of Egypt, as the book of Numbers in Chapter 11 states at that time there were 660,000 fighting men adding women n children those 12 tribes had grown probably close to 2 million. The tribes of Judah n Benjamin migrating n settling in Jabez(later to be called Jerusalem) n called the House of Judah the other 10 sons or tribes settling north of Jerusalem were called the 10 northern tribes the House of Israel. All were hebrew what most have never been taught these 10 northern tribes the House of Israel were taken captive by Assyria for some 200 years when they were freed they crossed the Caucus Mountains(where we get the name caucassion) settling thruout Europe later migrating to the US n Canada most folks don't know their true herritage. If your interested visit ShepherdsChapel Pastor Murray teaches Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse with understanding a child could assorb. You'll be amazed what you have never been taught.
