Thursday, July 17, 2014

Max Igan & Sean Maguire -- Israel is a Nazi State

The Terrorism of Nazi Israel - Max Igan & Sean Maguire - Out of the Bag - July 16, 2014

The governments of this world are literal terrorists! The definition of 'terrorism': The use of violence or the threat of violence to coerce people into going along with a political agenda. ^^THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!
Level of mind control and incredible brainwash against people is getting more and more exposure which is at least a positive thing within all this shameful mess


  1. the problem with israel is logic balfour is the reason for israel, however balfour is a british invention, they sold palestine to the rothschilds they knew it will be a mess, even before agreeing to the rothschilds, they are experts on colonisation "india the usa and the rest" and it is they also who sold it to AIPAC washington. israel has no reason to exist from day one because of how it was constructed it, like pakistan and INDIA two other british colonies, that are fighting amongst themselves from day one.. ISRAEL, always will be an illegal domain a murderous nation because they exist on irrational ideologies, the logic constructed on the mind of muslims worldwide is that israel is illegal and always will be. reason BALFOUR deals. return to the balfour declaration and redo the thing again and it might work otherwise is wars for the next century even longer peace with israel is impossible.

  2. The Balfour declaration never gave Palestine to the Zionists. It even stipulated that the rights of non-Jews should not be affected. It was a declaration of intent and not any kind of law that was passed through Parliament. The intention was to allow Jews to enter Palestine which was a big mistake.
    Never give the Zionist an inch or he will take a mile. The Palestinians have experienced this to their cost.
    The problems in India and Pakistan were caused by USA in their haste to pressure the UK to destroy its own power. They left before any settlement could be made. USA wanted to be the world policeman and they are not even fit enough to be the world gangster as their only legacy is bomb craters on every continent.
