Thursday, July 17, 2014

Jim Rogers : The BRICS are capable of Challenging The American Financial Dominance

Jim Rogers: Only a Russian/Chinese/Brazil joint-currency can battle dollar dominance

The presidents of Russia and Brazil have met ahead of the BRICS Summit. Vladimir Putin and Dewma WHO-sseff were present as some of the two countries' largest corporations signed agreements to deepen the economic ties between the two. Corporate investor Jim Rogers tells RT that the BRICS members are capable of challenging the United States' financial dominance.

1 comment:

  1. the problem with israel is logic balfour is the reason for israel, however balfour is a british invention, they sold palestine to the rothschilds they knew it will be a mess, even before agreeing to the rothschilds, they are experts on colonisation "india the usa and the rest" and it is they also who sold it to AIPAC washington. israel has no reason to exist from day one because of how it was constructed it, like pakistan and INDIA two other british colonies, that are fighting amongst themselves from day one.. ISRAEL, always will be an illegal domain a murderous nation because they exist on irrational ideologies, the logic constructed on the mind of muslims worldwide is that israel is illegal and always will be. reason BALFOUR deals. return to the balfour declaration and redo the thing again and it might work otherwise is wars for the next century even longer peace with israel is impossible.
