Monday, July 14, 2014

Jon Voight's Message to America • 7/12/14 •

July 12th, 2014 • Jon Voight delivered a personal message to the people of America. The Oscar winning actor sought, and was given airtime by former Governor Mike Huckabee on his cable TV show.


  1. strange discourse however america? what is america ? who are the americans ? probably the founding fathers knew it. well they did. reason why all things are turning back in time. there is not guilty men as Obama is as guilty as G W BUSH as vietnam. the problem is finding an honest person. like the founding fathers. rewrite the constitution, where justice is justice not a video show.

  2. GAZA. Washington met en garde Israël contre une intervention terrestre

  3. U.S. Guarantees Israel’s Pre-1967 Borders Will Be Basis for Renewed Talks with Palestine, Officials Say

  4. The Goyim GuardsmanJuly 14, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    Imagine a world without America . I have and it would be a thousand times better and more peaceful than it is with America. You sacrificed thousands of Dumb stupid animals Conquering Iraq for the petro-dollar pushing it back to the stone age. Now to be taken back by the DASSH people. Romney warned about Russian aggression whilst the dumb f*cks in Washington engineered the Syrian Ukraine blundering take over by Jewish Oligarchs supported by right wing NAZIS! Romney warns about Iran the most peaceful Nation on the planet while the wild animals in Israel bomb the shite out of Gaza! claims Iran has the nukes, which of course they do not. America being the only Nation on the planet to have used these weapons on civilians. Iran has never threatened to destroy Israel or America much as I would like them to do.Voight clearly you learned the lines well but lets face it you're just another brain dead stupid YANK! we cannot condemn him just pity him his ignorance. .

    1. not sure why you hate america so much, but if you where born in the USA than you should be ashamed for bashing your homeland like that. the USA is a very young country, hardly an teenager compared to other countrys and yes, they will and have made mistakes. I am a german citizen and I for ones are happy that the USA exists.

    2. Jon Voight, isn't talking about "this" America, but about the idea of liberty and freedom for the individual that used to be synonymous with America. This is certainly no longer the case. Unfortunately when people mention America and talk about "freedom", it now irks people. We remember all the wars, the bullying, the human rights abuses, the drones, NSA spying, disregard for the rule of law etc.. America does no longer represent the ideas upon which it was founded. Jon is simply pleading to the American public to stand up for what America once was and end the rot and corruption that has taken hold of the country.

  5. Imagine a world without America . I have and it would be a thousand times better and more peaceful than it is with you. You sacrificed thousands of Dumb stupid animals Conquering Iraq for the petro-dollar pushing it back to the stone age. Now to be taken back by the people. Romney warned about Russian aggression whilst the dumb f*cks in Washington engineered the Syrian Ukraine blundering take over by Jewish Oligarchs supported by right wing NAZIS! Romney warns about Iran the most peaceful Nation on the planet while the wild animals in Israel bomb the shite out of Gaza! claims Iran has the nukes, which of course they do not. America being the only Nation on the planet to have used these weapons on civilians. Iran has never threatened to destroy Israel or America much as I would like them to do.Voight clearly you learned the lines well but lets face it you're just another brain dead stupid YANK!so we cannot condemn him just pity him his ignorance. .

  6. great however be careful as yellowstone is ready to sink the scum of the earth washington to its stone age period. so be aware of this coming danger near you. but this event is a blessing to the world the moment this scum and cancer of the planet call the USA of genocide sinks into oblivion. however the moment washington disappears the world shall breed freedom at last. do realise that americans are the most hated people on this planet 8 billion folks hate americans and hope they have never being born..! all they dream is the disappearance of the usa of america the scum of the human race. and all this alex is your government and your slaves citizens that have create this hate and disgust to any american alive. so think clearly.

  7. wake up midnight cowboy is over : the sun is shining why lie to americans like cling eastwood this hollywood whores of wall street. no wonder americans are now turn into slaves thanks to actors and hollywood scum bags like you.
