Monday, July 14, 2014

How KGB Created Political Correctness & Destroyed America -- Kent Clizbe

Kent Clizbe - Willing Accomplices: How KGB Created Political Correctness

Kent Clizbe served as a staff CIA case officer in the 1990s and as a contractor after 9/11. He has worked in various capacities in intelligence positions. His specialty is Counter-terrorism and Islamic Extremism. Kent has also worked Counter-intelligence, Counter-proliferation, Counter-narcotics, and other targets. His educational background includes a BA in Southeast Asian Studies-Linguistics and an MA in Linguistics and Business, as well as graduate studies in Instructional Design. We'll discuss his book Willing Accomplices, How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America. Clizbe details counter-intelligence research and cultural analysis and explains how KGB covert influence operations, began soon after the Russian revolution and resulted in today's political correctness. He'll explain how Soviet espionage planted the seeds of America's cultural destruction through the transmission belts of culture. We'll hear about the master mind of Willi Münzenberg and how his operators recruited, co-opted, manipulated, and guided a network of willing accomplices who spread the hate-America-first message. Münzenberg's creed is today's PC progressive's talking points. Later, we'll discuss how multiculturalism also fits in line with the PC progressive's agenda. 

1 comment:

  1. No more hope, but plenty of change to come. Are you ready?
