Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Fall of Iraq - What You Aren't Being Told

Iraq is descending into chaos, but not for the reasons you're being fed by the politicians and the mainstream media.
this could be the start of ww3 ,we go back to Iraq fight there, then some how we end up fighting Syrian rebels, then we get into Syria, Russian gets involved and you know the rest


  1. The only way to stop this American activity is to smash the USA Kill 300 million Americans deplet their ability to raise a military.

  2. Your almost as blood thirsty as obama ..retard

  3. the war in iraq is just oil, petrol, the danger is that somehow all this monarchies now are in tatters, soon the oil flow could stop, all over besides russia and iran, africa is as well on the wrong footing, the sickle of fire goes from afghanistan to algeria, somewhere in sudan, practically everywhere. is like a great army of fighters thats teaches from kabul to the maghreb, libya another sing that is covering all of north africa, so is the guerrilla of civilisations somehow. russia will benefit and the us will see higher energy prices. europe has better return to the diplomatic side and enter russia into the EU......
