Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Glenn Beck: Check Your Bank Account- Under New Law, Government Can Confiscate Money Without Asking!

From the June 17, 2014 edition of "The Glenn Beck Radio Program" on TheBlaze TV: Have you checked your bank accounts lately?About six months ago, Joe Kerry (Glenn's Chief of Staff) and his wife noticed that they had stopped receiving bank statements for one of their accounts. He proceeded to go back and look at old statements he had received and, sure enough, there was language that explained the state of Pennsylvania could liquidate the account if there is no activity in a certain period of time."She started going through the statements, and on one statement, which was full of language, one sentence in one paragraph of that statement said, 'If you have no activity on this account, we will close out this account, based on Pennsylvania law blah, blah, blah,'" Joe explained. "What I don't understand is dividends were being paid into this account. We were paying taxes on this money the whole time, yet because there was no activity for a six month period, the state of Pennsylvania took that money, without any notice to us.

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