Thursday, June 26, 2014

REVEALED: Top Secret Memo Gives Obama Authority to Kill American Citizens

"The U.S. government can kill an American citizen abroad if that person is plotting to attack Americans and U.S. authorities can't apprehend them. . . "
Does this also mean that foreign countries have the right to use lethal force against their enemies in the US?
Obama is a traitor and a FRAUD. It amazes me that anyone is so gullible that they actually believe he's acting in America's best interests anymore.

The Gov't /NSAbetter start trying to figure out how it is going to protect the Airline/Aviation industry from the use if drones in the hands of terriosts. The use of drones by terriosts to bring down passenger planes will render the current airport security process obsolete.


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  2. The Goyim GuardsmanJune 26, 2014 at 5:15 PM

    Mr Obama claims the right and authority to murder me. I therefore claim the right to self defense and KILL him first!
