Thursday, June 26, 2014

Gerald Celente -- The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday June 26 2014

Today -On the Thursday, June 26 edition of the Alex Jones Show, David Knight continues exploring the increased militarization of local police forces, examining one law enforcement firm's absurd defense of a SWAT accident that left a toddler badly maimed. David also welcomes Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson to talk about the optimistic news coming from an ex-CIA agent, who says open-source technology has the potential to "break the grip of defunct power structures." Watson also breaks down a UC Davis professor's warning that the immigrant influx was initiated as a "plan to destroy national sovereignty." On today's show, David invites American business consultant and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente to analyze how the plummeting economy is blamed on everything but Obama's policies, and ISIS takeover of the Middle East. We'll also air a special report from Alex Jones, and cover how driver-less cars are the latest advance in the war on private ownership.

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