Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nomi Prins -- All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power

During this nearly 50 minute interview, Jason starts off by asking Nomi about why she decided to write this book, the historical period it encompasses and the sources she used to research and write the book.

Nomi talks about the US before the Federal Reserve, WWI, Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt and the close relationships large banks and Wall Street have always maintained with DC and Presidents.

Jason asks Nomi more about why the US entered WWI and the Federal Reserve's role.

Next, Jason asks Nomi about the Creature from Jekyll Island aka the Federal Reserve and about all the problems the Fed has created in the US economy since it was created.

Nomi thinks it leads to enormous moral hazards, allows the big banks to continue to grow unabated to levels they could not have grown without the Fed's help, etc.

Jason and Nomi talk about many different ways the Fed helps Wall St and DC at Main St's expense.

Jason then asks Nomi about how much longer she thinks the Fed and global central banks can keep the game going.

Nomi is surprised the economic and political elites have been able to keep things going this long since 2008.

Finally, to wrap up the interview, Jason asks Nomi about what people on Main St can do to protect themselves from what is to come.

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