Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How to Protect Yourself from Washington & Wall Street | Jay Taylor

Jay Taylor radio host and former investment banker, joins us to discuss the ethical, moral and political forces that pose increasing risks to the ordinary family, and highlights special considerations on preparedness for those living in large urban cities.

In this Interview:
* The mainstream media & academia have convinced us to throw out the 10 commandments, but chaos is what we are getting.
* Removing physical gold as the basis of our monetary system enables the government to steal from the people. (12:00)
* The system is made to look like the ordinary person has a voice, but in reality we have no say.." (14:20)
* The Keynesian lie is that debt will give us what we want and solve our problems - but debt itself is a fatal problem. (17:20)
* The government steals from its citizens by causing crushing inflation.
* As families become indebted, they fall under destructive stresses, and lose their freedom.
* Get rid of your paper dollars and get real money (gold and silver) while you still can.
* The government is preparing to impose martial law. (23:50)
* Surviving the collapse in an urban area (27:15)
* Gold and gold mining shares should rise sharply ahead. (31:45)

Taylor is founder and host of the radio broadcast, "Turning Hard Times into Good Times" on He holds an MBA in Finance & Investments and spent his earlier career as a commercial and investment banker. Most recently, he worked in the mining and metals group of ING Barings in New York. Taylor interviews experts with perspectives on sound money, personal liberty and Austrian Economics, including Ron Paul and a host of others on his weekly broadcasts.

Jay Taylor on the web:

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