Thursday, June 12, 2014

NEGATIVE Interest Rates & Point of NO RETURN | Andy Hoffman

This is all pre-ordained by the Global Elite and NWO. Obama is the main Puppet and is tasked with destroying the Middle Class until we are mere Serf's to the NWO Global Elite and American 1%. A prosperous American middle class is a threat to their vision of NWO

your political system has been hijacked by an undemocratic and nefarious group of techno autocratic warmongering sociopathic murderers !! They have been pulling your strings for hundreds of years, they mean you and your families futures total and absolute harm !! They will stop at nothing until " We the people, that have stood by and watched as they fed upon us all through the ages !! We are entering a time which gives us the power to say No, Enough !! Are you as tired of them as me, if so Stand Up and let them feel your defiance, take righteous hands and let us collectively wring their Evil necks !!

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