Thursday, June 12, 2014

ISIS Marches on Baghdad

America raped Iraq and left it beaten and broken for their friends

War is near because, of the Action's of the USA, and the EU, and the UN. They want to Steal every Wealthy person's asset's on the Planet, and acquire all the wealth.And they must Help President Obama to do this.He is there man, and has gone on a theft grab throughout the world,This will lead to seeking Israel's assets.Israel's help and involvement in this money grab,is why the Russian's and China, are preparing for war,It has alway's been Obama's plan,and Hillary's as well, to setup the Popes Queerdom, on the Holy Temple site. This is "The Obamination which causes Desolation",when you see this occur.The 1st step,in this plan, just took place.As you have heard the Vatican wants to take over the site of King David's Tomb, were on the 2nd floor,of this area, the Last supper took place.The US, and EU, were working with the last pope, Ratzinger, and this present Pope, to collapse the Vatican Banking system, and the Italian Banking system, as well.And now that they have done so for the most part,They move onto to bigger fish,which is Israel. Rattzinger had to step down because of threats upon his life, by Italian Mafia Family's,and when those same Family's figure out this Pope, was working with Rattzinger, and these other Nation's, that both were helping Obama, and the EU, and other interested party's, to destroy the Vatican Banking system, and the Italian Banking system,they will finish the Job, it was my opinion that John Paul's assasination attempt, was for the same reason, and by these same Family's.The Last Pope prophecy's, stating This Pope, is the Last Pope, I believe is true,Because the Vatican, will be Financially Destroyed.And I believe these Italian Family's,have no choice,any longer, and must try to stop this at all cost, and will strike very Hard.And that is were the prophecy that say's, that Rome will burn over night, will come after this.This leads to greater war because Obama thinks he Can rob any Nation or Mafia Family since he great success he has had against the Catholic church, and against the Mafia Family's, and every one else he has Stolden assets from, like Kadaffi,and soon the Syrian,He is Brazen, and full of Pride now, and want's to finnish it all, beforehe runs out of time and he cannot.

1 comment:

  1. saudi kingdom is is the aim, once that taking the Persian gulf becomes hostile to Europe and Washington, the west collapses and civil war in america becomes inevitable, Russia only nation with gas and petrol will have to protect itself but also has the key of stability worldwide. remember without petrol nothing works. there is no need petrol is the key and the collapse of Europe is coming, NATO the looser, now no gas and neither petrol Europe is totally gone in no less than 2 months, chaos all over the continent. so all this thanks to NATO-OTAN. so how to destroy Europe ask NATO-OTAN and Washington, they are doing all they can to commit suicide.
