Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Russian Roulette in Ukraine

The USA/China/Russia are Satantic Rothschild's/debt baby, all playing together to usher in the NWO. Works perfectly, especially if the rulers believe they will still reign after the mess. Whether they reign in hell after they leave the earth is another story..

On the morning of May 1, a pro-Russia militia guard post on the outskirts of Krasnoarmeysk was attacked by Ukrainian forces (reportedly Right Sector members) — taking 11 local militia men with them. Soon after, a crowd from Krasnoarmeysk gathered in front of a Right Sector base, where they tried to find out about their friends' fate. Having no luck, the crowd decided to return to Krasnoarmeysk, and storm the local police building, to show their protest towards police negligence. No shots were fired and no injuries were reported.

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