Saturday, May 3, 2014

Economic Collapse 2014 -- Current Economic Collapse News Brief

The problem is most of us have nothing to lose in this rigged economy. So they try to sell us the lie that it will hurt all of us. Well guess what, we will all be better off once this Ponzi scheme crashes and some of these guys have stretched necks

In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people.
The U.S. dollar is being kept propped up by petro-dollar recycling. With the Federal Reserves' policies of Quantitative Easing (endless fiat "money" creation), the U.S. has been exporting inflation to the rest of the world. The U.S. governments' edge over the rest of the world is the U.S. dollars' world reserve currency status. Countries, such as Japan and China, need U.S. dollars in order to purchase oil from OPEC. China and Japan are the world's largest foreign holders of U.S.debt. They make products and sell them to the U.S. and the U.S. gives them U.S. dollars (FRN) in exchange. Most U.S. dollars (Federal Reserve Notes) are outside of the U.S., approx 16 trillion dollars. They're percolating outside the U.S. The purchase of U.S. Treasuries by foreigners technically keeps the U.S dollars (FRN) outside of the U.S. If the U.S. government & US Oil corporations were to open up the oil spigot in Alaska and begin selling oil to the rest of the world, the sale of this oil would be in U.S. dollars (FRN) and the U.S. then would be flooded with U.S. dollars (FRN) which would lead to big inflation inside the U.S. The velocity of money inside the U.S. would increase dramatically. The velocity of money today in the U.S. is very low right now due to a very weak economy on main street and thus inflation is not increasing at a faster and larger rate that it potentially could if all the "money" (fiat currency) the Federal Reserve has created (out of thin air and in high volumes) were to start percolating through the U.S. economy. The Federal Reserve Board stopped reporting the M-3 money supply in 2006, From the Federal Reserves' Web site: "On March 23, 2006, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System will cease publication of the M3 monetary aggregate. The Board will also cease publishing the following components: large-denomination time deposits, repurchase agreements (RPs), and Eurodollars. The Board will continue to publish institutional money market mutual funds as a memorandum item in this release."

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