Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Balkanization of America

Alex covers a wide spectrum of news in both the U.S. and abroad, including the latest on the financial front. Obama supporters in San Diego, Cali. recently suggested that it's racist not to like Mexican food. Additionally, western states around California now fear further land grabs by the Obama administration.


  1. the problem is washington they are blind do not understand current reality and refuse to admit it. the USA of america is bunker nation kaput, from 9/11 up to today washington fights useless wars on behalf of bankers and bankers care only about themselves not even the military brass, so the result is a divided nation an incompetent government and a bankrupt nation, so who is the boss, the IMF-FMI, and the banks, who keeps america in check the global reserve currency and what shall ruin peace the petrodollars. washington or what america is now is a piss show worth of quarantine, american diplomacy is so stupid one day folks worldwide will consider a clinic for the american government rather than punishment, you lot are off dreaming Iphones does not make you clever advance intelligent neither wise. I-phone is a machine, a telephone just like the one 50 years ago. it is use for the same purpose, what america considers intelligence is gadgets, useless devices on a machine, however mind, brains those qualities no longer exist on america just waste and suicides, senseless killings and idiotic wars to kill american citizens and helpless childrens and women worldwide, this is what america is a murder nation of the weak, as the strong them there is no wars for america only the weak. even in ww 1 and 2 america was not the braves but the opportunist, the one that fights when the enemy is overrun, not the honorable gladiator but the weak and frightful soldiers that hides in order to not be identified as a coward. being a coward is driving drones and killing helpless and innocent women and childrens and that is what america does best.

  2. Everybody knows this. They need facts, not rants. What and who is the target. and how do they defeat them? Who are the "Big Dogs" and how do we muzzle them?
