Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Biggest BUBBLE in History Will Crash Causing Global Meltdown!

A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives
Bank of America's holding company -- held almost $75 trillion of derivatives
Buffett warns on investment 'time bomb'
Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction
Hold onto your seat. The global derivatives CASINO is out of control and can no longer be contained. JP Morgan alone has more on its books than the GDP of the entire world!

This is my warning from The Money GPS. The system can't sustain this forever and it will crash down so hard, the so-called professionals will never know what hit them.

Sad but true.

1 comment:

  1. Derivatives are a joke. Just like a great portion of the so-called "deficit", they are largely theoretical whimsies and could easily be cancelled without any loss of actual fungible assets. I may be exercising woeful ignorance here, but as the Fed is a foreign corporation owned by the City of London and always has been, and they have been taxing us through their equally illegal watchdogs the IRS for the last 60-70 years or so, plus siccing the criminals of the CIA on us, why the hell can't we demand a full audit be done and a revoke of their charter or bill or whatever you call it? Not only have they been robbing us all blind, the government has let them do it with nary a peep of protest--except the ones who are dead now. McFadden, Kennedy, etc. This constitutes a gross malfeasance on the part of Congress and the executive branch that should condemn the whole doggone bunch of them from top to bottom to instant boots-in-the backside, tars-and-feathers, pitchforks-and-torches and outraged mobs storming the Bastille. (Figuratively speaking.)
