Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Sunday May 25 2014: American Psycho

On the special Sunday, May 25 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Jones explores the various motivations that drive criminal psychopaths to commit murder, as he looks into the killings that took place in Santa Barbara over the weekend, caused by a Hollywood assistant director's delusional son. Jones also exposes the left's weak attempts to blame guns for the violence, in the face of three victims being in fact knifed to death, and in addition to the fact that one person with a gun could have prevented the bloodshed. On today's show, Alex also examines former Congressman Alan B. West's intel stating the Benghazi operation was a gun-running scheme, and continues highlighting the latest developments in the Veterans Affairs scandal. We'll also break down other pertinent news items on this worldwide broadcast.

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