Sunday, May 25, 2014

How Genetically Modified Food DESTROYS Your DNA

Genetically modified food is a powerful weapon against humanity. Every bit that is consumed will add to the destruction of your DNA. By breaking down how this works with our anatomy itself, we can fully understand the hazard.

If we continue to allow this poison in our food supply, it will eventually overtake all crops and our future generations will suffer. 

It should be obvious by now but some haven't been awake to this information yet. Genetically modified food is poison. GMO is a process of inserting genes from a different species into a crop or animal using a "gene gun".

When we consume this food, our DNA, which is our programming language, we will receive damaged DNA.

Avoid the GMO at all costs. 

1 comment:

  1. I get the DNA being likened to complex computer coding ... but it is a long step to say that what we eat somehow has the potential to change, modify or affect our own DNA coding. You offer no proof whatsoever for this, either how it does or even could happen.

    Sure, you may have other reasons for disliking GMO's, but using a quasi-scientific reason is just stupid. You will need 'facts'... eating food is not like being shot by a "DNA Gun'.....

