Thursday, May 29, 2014

ROAD TO WW3 -- Ukraine general dies as helicopter shot down

A Ukrainian military helicopter has been shot down in Slovyansk, killing 14 people including an army general, as rebels and government forces continued fierce battles in the country's east.The deadly attack on Thursday comes as a convoy of pro-Russia separatists have been seen heading towards Donetsk airport, which is also in the east, Al Jazeera has learned.Al Jazeera's David Chater reports from Donetsk.


  1. monkeys on the white house once again banging their heads against the wall, like in iraq, afghanistan, iran, vietnam.hope washington will evolve and stop having monkeys running the nation. perhaps the world will consider them civilize on the long folks are just polite but can believe this monkeys, not even real monkeys in africa will follow the washington zoo..

  2. The fools of Washington and their Kiev fascist putsch need a bloody good thumping and then we will see just how correct Obama was when he said America was exceptional and indispensable, meaning the rest of the world is inexceptional and dispensable all the other 190 nations on earth are. Those twats did not look at all exceptional in all their military failures in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere else. If they can't beat 15 million people from North Vietnam, they have no chance against Russia and China. However they might just be exceptionally stupid or exceptionally arrogant enough to use nukes and wipe out all life on earth.
