Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bilderberg 2014 60th Anniversary Breakdown with Charlie Skelton

Journalist and investigator Charlie Skelton gives us a scoop on the 2014 Bilderberg meeting
The recent shocking elections in Europe show that the tide is turning in Europe. The People are seeing that the scum de la scum, represented at Bilderberg, have always come to murder and destroy them whatever their official blather to the contrary.Bilderberg own both sides, and will play them against each other to achieve their own Satanic outcome.

Our rulers flock to these meeting like cats that have been promised some cream.These Bilderbergers are some of the most corrupt, vile, and manipulative individuals on the planet. They represent the the human ego at its worst and they are meeting to find ways to benefit themselves at the expense/suffering of others. Psychopaths rise to the top and it has to stop. People have sat back and let it happen for way too long which is why there is so much needless suffering in the world.

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