Monday, May 12, 2014

Road to WW3 -- NATO War Games on The Borders with Russia

NATO stages record drills in Estonia amid Ukraine unrest. NATO's muscle-flexing is in full swing as the Alliance stages its major war games in Estonia. RT's Gayane Chichakyan takes a look at how the alliance has been pushing its borders eastwards.

1 comment:

  1. the monkeys on the white house taking cue from you know who! ask the planet to nuke, volcanos like yellowstone, promote earthquakes, in southern california and target the madrids falls, hopefully this will send the usa to jurassic park days and probably the rest of the planet, as well. the us will disappear from the face of earth, a good thing however the rest of the planet will probably suffer, not as much but, this massive earthquakes trigger unexpected consequences ask american scientist they will open the eyes of the monkeys on the white house. and advice if they can..!! ask when you go for a kill on the game of thrones you wipe out continents.
