Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Illuminati Agenda is Overwhelmingly a Liberal & Democrat Agenda

The Illuminati Agenda is Overwhelmingly a Liberal and Democrat Agenda
I'm not liberal or conservative on the whole, but the only side I have a problem with is liberals. They're whiny and intolerant of the other side's views. Liberals seem to want to force everyone to live their way instead of just casting their vote like everyone else has to.


  1. This is nonsense. The ruling elite is interested in conserving the status quo which means conserving the power of the few, the fascist corporate global control of trade and commerce, overruling any form of democracy, the ownership of central banks by the few, etc. Money as speech means utter plutocracy and control by the few... the liberal agenda is no more..

  2. Agreed Kent. Will this right-left bickering ever end?
