Wednesday, April 2, 2014

As NATO Prepares For War More False Flags Are On The Horizon

Australia's and Germany's manufacturing declined this month. Major economies around the world are showing signs of weakness. Italy's unemployment has hit all time highs at 13%. UK passed a new law which allows the government to raid bank accounts. Real estate in the US is continuing to show major signs of imploding on itself. The central bankers are losing control in Africa so the EU voted to send more troops to the region. NATO is now in the process of building up troops in Ukraine, Romania and is preparing for war. Intel has been intercepted suggesting the rebels in Syria are preparing another chemical weapons false flag event and blaming it on Assad.


  1. No sophisticated armament can upset that basic nature of the world......this is why the circle of fire yellowstone and the lot are on the red list, to be activated 100%... any more obama moves of the us army and that will be it...why because every time the word sanctions and congress slams other nations...! an earthquake somehow pops in to the news. the famous flood this time, the new atlantis ocean if you like; no longer central america will divide the two oceans, the bible shall have a new menber the new worlds lake usa of america, as with the polar shift boy this is whammy, as the ancient hopi said when it comes , we shall all meet in mexico city next to a lake with a serpent eating an eagle.

    1. Does anybody understand what fredo is saying. It looks like he is downloading after snorting something.
