Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Government Is Now Waging War On The People's Rights

People will need a meas for self defense and they need to assert themselves and Bundy said he will fight it and we should. If not then the benchmark will be set that the Feds can just come and steal all you stuff & ruin you ! Being passive slaves has done well so far right ?... ...

The housing recovery is now imploding on itself. JP Morgan misses expectations because of very low mortgage originations. Common Core wants 6th graders to change the Bill Of Rights because it is out of date. The BLM real purpose for stealing the cattle from Cliven Bundy is fracking, corporate interests, money and control of the people. The BLM setup a First Amendment area expecting the people to use it. The people rejected this and the BLM was forced to take it down. The Government is trying to push their agenda of removing the rights from the people and are provoking the people in Nevada so the government can declare martial law. DHS is now reporting that the new heartbleed bug could bring down the financial system.

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