Saturday, April 12, 2014

HARRY REID & CHINESE Behind BLM Bundy Ranch Land Grab, Bunkerville

The Hawk On The Survive To Thrive Broadcast via & Friday 04/11/2014

We should understand the Chinese got that wealthy because America shut down its unions and allowed all the good jobs to be shipped to China. Now China makes the items and ships them to us, and in return it gets trillions of dollars that it can then spend any way it likes.So now I hope Americans can see why the elite has dragged this country into its fraudulent debt to China. They have this country on the chopping block ready to turn it into the very same communist style, fascist run, form of government lead by the most evil oligarchy the world has ever been faced with. FOLLOW THE MONEY!! who benefits? this is going to wake a lot of people up cos the line is drawn in the sand the Chinese want to hire Americans into their slave factories and harry the traitor Reid wants to make millions from it..the criminals are on their toes

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